To enroll in the Ballet I or Ballet II classes in FSA Lower School, please call 865-309-4372 and we will help you get registered for the class that is the perfect fit for you.
LOWER School
- B A L L E T -
Twinkle Toes: (Ages 3-4) This class is for our youngest dancers. An engaging class that develops coordination, musicality, and balance through interactive games, songs, and props. Students will begin learning basic ballet concepts through fun activities. The class also focuses on character development as students will learn how to take turns, be an attentive listener, follow directions, and encourage fellow classmates!
KinderDance Ballet: (Ages 5-6) This class focuses on developing flexibility, balance, rhythm, musicality, and coordination while teaching the basic ballet concepts in a fun and interactive way. The class also focuses on character development as students will learn how to take turns, be attentive listeners, follow directions, and encourage fellow classmates
HappyFeet Ballet: (Ages 7-8) This class focuses on developing flexibility, balance, rhythm, musicality, and coordination. Students are introduced to traditional ballet class structures as this class prepares them to enter Ballet I.
Ballet I: (Ages 9-10) A foundational ballet course designed to introduce students to proper terms and technique of ballet. They will build knowledge of foundational movements that will carry them through their ballet training.
Ballet II: (Ages 10-13) A ballet class that is building on the technique and skills begun in Ballet I. Students are adding proper épaulement during exercises as well as adding to their barre and center repertoire. It is recommended that students in Ballet II take two classes weekly.
KinderDance Ballet: (Ages 5-6) This class focuses on developing flexibility, balance, rhythm, musicality, and coordination while teaching the basic ballet concepts in a fun and interactive way. The class also focuses on character development as students will learn how to take turns, be attentive listeners, follow directions, and encourage fellow classmates
HappyFeet Ballet: (Ages 7-8) This class focuses on developing flexibility, balance, rhythm, musicality, and coordination. Students are introduced to traditional ballet class structures as this class prepares them to enter Ballet I.
Ballet I: (Ages 9-10) A foundational ballet course designed to introduce students to proper terms and technique of ballet. They will build knowledge of foundational movements that will carry them through their ballet training.
Ballet II: (Ages 10-13) A ballet class that is building on the technique and skills begun in Ballet I. Students are adding proper épaulement during exercises as well as adding to their barre and center repertoire. It is recommended that students in Ballet II take two classes weekly.
- T A P -
KinderDance Tappers: (Ages 5-6) This class focuses on the basics of tap dancing and classroom etiquette. The class allows students to be creative and have fun with simple combinations. Students will learn skills of rhythm, coordination, flexibility, and classroom etiquette, while also interacting with and encouraging each other.
HappyFeet Tappers: (Ages 7-8) This class focuses on the basics of tap dancing and classroom etiquette. The class allows students to be creative and have fun with simple combinations. Students will learn skills of rhythm, coordination, flexibility, and classroom etiquette, while also interacting with and encouraging each other.
HappyFeet Tappers: (Ages 7-8) This class focuses on the basics of tap dancing and classroom etiquette. The class allows students to be creative and have fun with simple combinations. Students will learn skills of rhythm, coordination, flexibility, and classroom etiquette, while also interacting with and encouraging each other.
- H I P H O P -
KinderDance Hoppers: (Ages 5-6) A beginner hip hop class for younger dancers to not only introduce them to the style of hip hop, but to also provide a fun environment for dancers to explore new movement styles and gain confidence!
HappyFeet Hoppers: (Ages 7-8) A beginner hip hop class for younger dancers to not only introduce them to the style of hip hop, but to also provide a fun environment for dancers to explore new movement styles and gain confidence!
HappyFeet Hoppers: (Ages 7-8) A beginner hip hop class for younger dancers to not only introduce them to the style of hip hop, but to also provide a fun environment for dancers to explore new movement styles and gain confidence!
Please note that ages for classes are only a general guideline. We will ensure proper class placement.