create not compete. Express not impress.
Visual art is not only an interesting pastime, but it is beneficial in a number of ways. People often use art to help them process their experiences and deal with overwhelming emotions. Visual art can also provide an outlet for creativity. According to Christianne Strang, a professor of neuroscience, creativity is important because it helps you remain healthy and connected to yourself and the world. In addition, learning skills associated with artistic genres such as drawing and painting can be a huge confidence booster that carries over into other areas of life. Visual art also encourages imaginative thinking, a skill increasingly linked to long-term success. Participating in visual art can reduce your stress levels and promote focus. It also activates the pathways in the brain associated with receiving rewards.
Art is a fun activity for children and adults alike, but it can also be an important developmental tool for children! It boosts critical thinking, teaching students to take the time to be more careful and thorough in how they observe the world. Making art can drastically improve fine motor skills and enhance creative problem-solving abilities. In fact, a report from Americans for the Arts concluded that children who regularly engage in artistic activities are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement!
Additionally, our approach to visual art at Fuzion is based on two ideals:
1. We use the arts to EXPRESS not IMPRESS. At Fuzion, our focus is on encouraging our students to express things through art, not impress others with what they can do.
2. We use the arts to CREATE not COMPETE. As in any field, the skills needed for visual art are learned, and each student progresses at their own pace. Things that are easy for one person may be harder for another, but as long as we are doing our best and learning to express ourselves through the arts, we are winning!
Our goal is to provide every student, no matter their age or skill level, with an environment in which they can safely explore visual arts.
- Melody Basinger, Department Head
Art is a fun activity for children and adults alike, but it can also be an important developmental tool for children! It boosts critical thinking, teaching students to take the time to be more careful and thorough in how they observe the world. Making art can drastically improve fine motor skills and enhance creative problem-solving abilities. In fact, a report from Americans for the Arts concluded that children who regularly engage in artistic activities are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement!
Additionally, our approach to visual art at Fuzion is based on two ideals:
1. We use the arts to EXPRESS not IMPRESS. At Fuzion, our focus is on encouraging our students to express things through art, not impress others with what they can do.
2. We use the arts to CREATE not COMPETE. As in any field, the skills needed for visual art are learned, and each student progresses at their own pace. Things that are easy for one person may be harder for another, but as long as we are doing our best and learning to express ourselves through the arts, we are winning!
Our goal is to provide every student, no matter their age or skill level, with an environment in which they can safely explore visual arts.
- Melody Basinger, Department Head