Peggy PriceTHEATRE DEPARTMENT HEAD + fUZION PLAYERS DIRECTORPeggy Horton Price has literally been directing theatrical productions since the age of 12. Growing up in a small town where outlets for participation in the arts were very limited, when it was time to choose a career, she majored in nursing and became an RN. It wasn’t long, however, before her passion for the arts took over, and she eventually went back to school at East Tennessee State University to study theatre. At the same time, a real encouragement in theatre life has been to be able to call Dr. John Welton (Professor Emeritus, CNU) mentor and friend. Peggy has been privileged to write and direct and share her love for the arts both locally and on the mission field.
Along with close friend, Deborah Miller, she founded Legacy Theatre in 2012 which gives the Lakeway area wonderful family shows, as well as being a place where many have found an outlet for their own creativity. She is presently serving as Artistic Director of Legacy Theatre, Creative Arts Director at Heritage Fellowship, Heritage Christian Academy high school Art & Literature teacher and is part of the team developing curriculum for Fuzion School of the Arts. As an adult, discovering a gifting toward the visual arts, she began taking private art lessons as well as classes at UT and at WSCC and enjoys leading art workshops and classes. When not being artsy at Fuzion or Heritage, you will almost always see Peggy being with family, reading a book, watching a movie - or her new favorite thing, camping with family! My Why… Being a part of any genre of the Arts means getting to know yourself, other people and the Master Creator so much better. They are an expression of who we are, what we believe and what we find most valuable – and at the same time, can be a tool to change the very culture where we live. It’s such a joy to invest in young people and see their excitement as they learn new skills, make new friends and even find new ways of seeing themselves and the world around them. |